Clinical Supervision

I see supervision as a collaborative relationship founded on mutual respect and clear boundaries and agreements. I offer clinical supervision to registered interns, clinical social work associates, and seasoned counselors and social workers.

Focus Areas

Development of Professional Presence

I believe our most important tool as counselors, therapists, and social workers is our personhood. Therefore, supervision focuses on the cultivation of a professional demeanor that is authentic yet professional, self-aware yet client-centered, compassionate yet well-boundaried. Supervisees will be encouraged and supported in investing in the personal growth that leads to well-developed professional presence.

Development of Skill

How we conceptualize a case is determined by our theoretical base and determines the interventions we choose when working with clients. Supervision is an opportunity for supervisees to further develop their understanding of and proficiency in applying their chosen theoretical base(s) toward sound clinical judgment and clearly articulated interventions.

Development of Ethical Practice

The very nature of the helper role invites multiple ethical risks. Supervision is an opportunity to develop awareness of the many subtle and not so subtle ways being in a position of power can be used helpfully or harmfully. We will work together to increase supervisees’ sensitivity to the many impacts (intended and unintended) they have on their clients. In addition, the code of ethics relevant to the supervisee’s licenses will be consulted and applied using an ethical decision-making model.

Quality of the Supervisor-Supervisee Relationship

Because supervision is able to offer the greatest benefit when the supervisee feels accepted and emotionally safe, attention is given to the supervisor-supervisee relationship itself. My aim is provide a space in which supervises can be validated in their strengths while exploring and developing their weak areas through respectful feedback, modeling, guidance, and support. Frequent feedback regarding how the supervision is working for the supervisee will be regularly sought.

Seasoned Therapists

From time to time, seasoned therapists confront new or difficult clinical challenges, wish to further hone their skill or presence, or need to explore a complex ethical issue. I offer my two decades of clinical experience and ability as a supervisor to assist, where I can, in achieving the goals of the seasoned therapist or social worker.